Wisdom Zen Sacred Body Flow

Wisdom Zen Sacred Flow is a no clothed 3-hour session. It contains the same therapeutic benefits as Wisdom Zen Body Flow & Wisdom Zen Sensual Body Flow but is amplified in energy, sensations, flows, and detail of touch. There's more energy movement, elevated sacred touch, and rhythmic flows that contribute to the Orgasmic & Body Bliss experience. Just as the sensual sessions are blissful, the sacred is highly blissful and energetic. These sessions will bring your body into a "Body Bliss" or "Orgasmic State" and take you into a trance state in body and mind. In this orgasmic state, you are ONE with every aspect of yourself and suspended beyond 3rd dimension existence. You feel the real you that identifies with waveforms or higher frequencies oscillating through you, which are your sensations being overloaded. In many cases, you rekindle your truth, which is a rebirth or a rejuvenation of the true you.

Wisdom Therapeutics ®

Wisdom Zen Sensual Body Flow

This Body Flow Session allows the body to be free to experience heightened emotions along with sensations that move freely as the body is being manipulated, mobilized, compressed, rubbed, and stretched. Euphoria arises and is allowed to be enjoyed with the universal energy present that enjoins sensual energy. There are minimal or no clothes during this session, which allow the Wisdom Zen Body Rub to be performed, which isn't performed in a regular Wisdom Zen Body Flow session. During this session, it is about being free to feel sensations without defining them while allowing yourself to experience them. Clients truly enjoy these sessions, which many say are great non-sexual experiences.

Due to the very freeing aspect of this Body Flow Session, it benefits your somatic needs greatly. The techniques and Flows are very intimate and sensual while being highly therapeutic. When the sensual-sexual energy is allowed to flow, it adds to stimulating your body's curative abilities. Wisdom Zen Sensual Flow is very meditative and brings you into a deeper bodywork experience that can also prepare to inquire individuals for more tantric/sacred experiences which are egoless, self-attuned, liberating, and self-realized.

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