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Wisdom Therapeutics ®

A Leader In Nomadic Therapy

With over 10 million views on social media, Satori Seals has sparked a fresh, unique therapeutic, sensual style of energy bodywork that has allowed Wisdom Therapeutics® to make its mark in empowering and transforming people's lives internationally. Traveling nationwide weekly, Satori serves clients with his Nomadic Therapy Practice. Wisdom Therapeutics® is an integrated spiritual wellness system designed as a brand to empower lives through Wisdom Zen Body Flow Touch Therapy, Movement Therapy, Nutritional Herbal Therapy, Thought Therapy, Interactive Coaching Therapy, and other Non-Invasive Therapies that improve and support the wellness of people. We view wellness creating a culture of well living that supports and encourages us to live optimal lives. We provide interactive tools, services, products, workshops, deep dives, retreats, certifications, non-invasive diagnostics, and virtual engagements to bring about improvement, upliftment, balance, and wisdom for living.


The Wisdom Therapeutics® Living Soul Profile Report details your EMOTIONAL PERSONA, PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSONA, BODILY SENSATIONAL PERSONA, and CONSCIOUSNESS PERSONA. All we need is your name and date of birth. The report is comprehensive and offers details on:

  • How you tend to view the world
  • Your leadership strength and style
  • Your mental toughness and ability to commit
  • Your relationship gravity
  • Your Love Styles
  • Where you apply your courage
  • Which Soul Archetypes do you primarily operate in
  • Your Gender Energy Positions
  • Your governing core values
  • The division and pursuit of self you operate from
  • Which soul archetypes you'll tend to get along with in relationships and business, and which ones won't?

Go to the Coaching page for the 9 Living Soul Archetypes & Life Domain Descriptions. Click the button to get your Living Soul Report.

Wisdom Therapeutics ®

Wise Eyes Iridology Services

Our eyes are the mirror of our body. We look into the iris's of your eyes to identify toxic deposits, areas of stress, imbalances, or nutritional deficiencies that exist within your body. One benefit of using our Wise Eyes® Iridology service is that it can forewarn us of possible compromises in health that hasn't shown up as physical symptoms yet. This is a great non-invasive way to stay abreast of your health. Once you pay for our service, we will need you to provide a close-up picture of your iris's in your eyes, and then we can share with you our assessment and recommended herbal formulas to support you.

The Review

"1000 % thankful for Satori Seals' Wisdom Therapeutics. Bee Life & Yogi nChi help nourish me, keep me focused, and helps with mental clarity.

The NeutraTox package has been phenomenal for me in helping me cleanse and reset my system. The Rest well blend had me well rested and refreshed when i woke up
It has helped me immensely in bringing my body back into homeostasis as well. Im thankful that these have been helping me for months now."
- Sarah

I have suffered with migraines for over 20 years. I would have 2-3 migraines a week and no medication would help. I haven't had a single migraine since I started my sessions back in December. It has given me my life back and I’m forever thankful for all you do.

- Wendy Denson

Thank you, thank you, thank you Satori Seals! I am still experiencing the benefits of my relaxation session days later. Absolutely no headaches! The tension that I hoard in upper back and shoulders...gone! And did I mention, the most restorative sleep I've had in months! It was worth every penny! Thanks again.


Your eyes are the window to your soul and if you didn't know, your HEALTH! I was unaware of the benefits of iridology, a practice underused in providing information about a person's overall health. Satori was able to view my irises and give me insight specific to my gut, liver, kidneys, bladder and vitamin deficiencies. Without disclosing any details Satori saw the gastro issues I was having. He then put together a regimen of his products that i used daily. with another examination of my eyes weeks later there was major improvement. I felt so much better! satori's Wisdom Therapeutic Products are tinctures that give the best absorption than any pill i used previously. I recommend every human being have their iries checked for preventive care. Being aware of your vitamin deficiencies so you can supplement accordingly is vital. Knowing is healing! I was overly satisfied with my results!
- K Parker