Wisdom Therapeutics ®

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Wise Eyes Iridology Services

Our Wise Eyes Iridology Services benefit you because we use your irises as a gauge to help us recommend herbal formulas to support your wellness. We also can customize formulas if we don't have existing Wisdom Therapeutics® herbal formulas.

Wisdom Therapeutics ®


Your eyes are the window to your soul and if you didn't know, your HEALTH! I was unaware of the benefits of iridology, a practice underused in providing information about a person's overall health. Satori was able to view my irises and give me insight specific to my gut, liver, kidneys, bladder and vitamin deficiencies. Without disclosing any details Satori saw the gastro issues I was having. He then put together a regimen of his products that i used daily. with another examination of my eyes weeks later there was major improvement. I felt so much better! satori's Wisdom Therapeutic Products are tinctures that give the best absorption than any pill i used previously. I recommend every human being have their iries checked for preventive care. Being aware of your vitamin deficiencies so you can supplement accordingly is vital. Knowing is healing! I was overly satisfied with my results!
- K Parker

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