Wisdom Therapeutics ®

Wisdom Coaching

The inspiration behind Wisdom Coaching and Life Consulting is to help clients utilize immutable universal principles, laws, truths, and right standing as the basis behind our assessing, mapping, tracing, or resolving life scenarios. This keeps the advising with minimal opinion or bias because of the mindfulness of principles, laws, truth, or right standing as the overarching influencer in matters as we move into creating "practices-to-actions," so the phases of change activate. To note, this is the difference between a Life Coach and a Wisdom Coach. Within the Wisdom Therapeutics® framework, our coaching and consulting fall under our commitment to Thought Therapy. Therefore, our informational wisdom products or services are geared toward social relevancy, decision-making, and getting results as measurables. These measurables also coincide with coaching and consulting. Proudly, Satori, along with other wisdom coaches or anyone who has benefited from his training or certifications, stands behind these commitments. Explore and invest in our wisdom products and allow them to improve your life.

When we can heal, reconfigure, sustain or upgrade our thinking our lives will move in the direction of what we are thinking consistently about. To support you we have eBooks, digital workbooks, and virtual wisdom courses availability for you. 

Wisdom Therapeutics ®

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Soul Conservator Archetype

Describes aspects within ourselves, people, and situations that are generally reserved, conservative in nature, and focus on quality over quantity. The SOUL CONSERVATOR moves slowly and prefers to follow cycles and patterns to decrease the effort required to get things done.

Soul Communicator Archetype

Describes an aspect within ourselves, people, and situations focused on communication, problem-solving, technology, and acquisitions, which include money, resources, etc. The SOUL COMMUNICATOR tends to move in a linear, logical, and chronological fashion.

Soul Liberator Archetype

Describes aspects within ourselves, people, and situations that live for freedom, truth, balance, self-determination, and peace as a primary experience. The SOUL LIBERATOR tends to be scattered, spontaneous, and without structure, predictability, or pattern.


Soul Initiator Archetype

Describes aspects within ourselves, people, and situations that live for being seen as in charge, accountable, and in control. The SOUL INITIATOR tends to be rational, structured, reasonable, challenging, adventurous, and respectable in its approach to life.

Soul Nurturer Archetype

Describes aspects within ourselves, people, or situations that have the ability to be committed, empathetic, cultivate others, and create environments for growth and grit. The SOUL NURTURER tends to move based on memory, emotion, and acceptance and is highly inclined to support others to make things happen. 

Soul Seer Archetype

Describes aspects within ourselves, people, or situations that have the ability to be intuitive, exercise detachment, domestic, and provide guidance. The SOUL SEER tends to be moved by inspiration and interconnectedness.

Soul Protector Archetype

Describes aspects within ourselves, people, or situations that have the ability to sacrifice their comfort for something other than themselves. The SOUL PROTECTOR tends to move based on what is right and needs to be done, as well as wherever conflict is necessary. 

Soul Promoter Archetype

Describes aspects within ourselves, people, or situations that have the ability to be selfless, intentional, and validating others. The SOUL PROMOTER tends to be moved by seeing others thrive in their abilities.

Soul Lover Archetype

Describes aspects within ourselves, people, or situations that have the ability to connect with all people, engage in romance and relationships, and are desirous of sex and intimacy. The SOUL LOVER tends to go with the flow and not sweat insignificant details.

The 9 Universal Life Domains

Here are the nine life domains that align with each of the soul archetypes:

Life Domain 1: The Domain of Commitment & Personal Growth - Soul Nurturer

Life Domain 2: The Domain of Consistency & Efficiency - Soul Conservator

Life Domain 3: The Domain of Intention & Validation - Soul Promoter

Life Domain 4: The Domain of Pleasure & Artistry - Soul Lover

Life Domain 5: The Domain of Balance & Freedom - Soul Liberator

Life Domain 6: The Domain of Introspection & Inspiration - Soul Seer

Life Domain 7: The Domain of Inquiry & Execution

Life Domain 8: The Domain of Acquisition & Communication - Soul Communicator

Life Domain 9: The Domain of Conflict & Security - Soul Protector